Video Films by Wolf Vostell


1963  Sun in your head 

Trailer 60 sec.


Sun in your head, 1963. 7 min. b/w by Wolf Vostell

Camera: Edo Hansen


This is the earliest film montage in art history. By being the first artist to use broadcast moving pictures, Wolf Vostell demonstrated the potential of this medium as an aesthetic language, long before videotapes were made generally accessible. Working in collaboration with cameraman Edo Hansen, Wolf Vostell recorded excerpts of various television broadcasts. Since there were only a few channels and programs to choose from, sampling took several weeks.
The footage includes sequences of images of John F. Kennedy, a military parade, several news hostesses and politicians greeting each other, among other; while titles such as Magazin der Woche and Deutsches Fernsehen are intercalated, indicating the sources from which the sequences were taken. The images look deformed and blurry, broken and overlapped. The last three minutes of the film depict a flying bomber and its pilot maintaining contact with ground control.

The film was first shown as part of the Vostell Happening "9 N0 Dé-coll/agen", which was held in different locations in Wuppertal (Germany) on November 14, 1963. It was officially launched independently on January 11, 1964, at the Leidse Plan Theater in Amsterdam and is considered a forerunner of Video Art. Alongside the screening, the viewing public carried out various actions.

Text by Josefa Cortés Morillo, director of the Wolf Vostell Archive at the Museum Vostell Malpartida.
Text published at the catalogue VOSTELL - Stills, which is the catalogue raisonné of the WOLF VOSTELL VIDEO FILMS 1963-1994.
Edited by Rooster Gallery New York, 2016


Wolf Vostell

Dé-coll/age Video - Films, 1963-1971 


Sun in your head, 1963 

Starfighter, 1967 

20.Juli Aachen, 1967

Notstandsbordstein, 1969 

Brotvermessung, 1969 

Ruhender Verkehr, 1969   

Vietnam, 1968-71

Each videofilm 7 Min. Total 49 Min., s/w.

All 7 films on one DVD.

Wolf Vostell

Desastres, 1972

45 Min. Color


Wolf Vostell

T.O.T., 1972

45 Min. black/white

31'20 Min.

Wolf Vostell

Derriére l‘arbre, 1976

45 Min. Color

Wolf Vostell

TV-Butterfly, 1980

45 Min. Color

Wolf Vostell

Siberia Extremeña, 1982

45 Min. Color

Wolf Vostell

TV-Montparnasse, 1982

60 Min. Color

5 simultan tapes

Wolf Vostell

Die Nackten und die Toten, 1983

60 Min. Color

Wolf Vostell

TV-Cubisme-Liège, 1985

20 Min. Color

Wolf Vostell

The funeral of the sardine, 1985

45 min. Color

Wolf Vostell

Epos Vostell, 1987

15 Aktionen, Environments und Instllationen

1968-1987 in Europa und USA.

240 Min. Color, black/white

Artist cut on 4 DVD's.

Wolf Vostell

Das Frühstück des Leonardo da Vinci in Berlin, 1988

Ein dé-coll/age Fluxus Happening. E-88 Berlin.

75 Min. Color.

Wolf Vostell

Le Cri, 1990

Fluxus Konzert für 90 Musiker.

60 Min. Color.   

Wolf Vostell

Sara-Jevo, 1993

Fluxus Konzert

36 Min. Color

No video may be shown in public without written permission of the copyright holder.




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© Rafael Vostell Art Trust